party rentals

Simple tips to add a little fancy-pants to your table settings

Hello! Massive_Victoria here with some quick tips for an easy and cost efficient way to add colour to your event. We all know that putting on any kind of event can be costly, especially if you want to add a special little something to make it stand out. BUT, an easy way of doing this while keeping your costs down is by…

Bluff your way around the wine list.

For a few years now, New York Times wine critic and holder-of-clever-sounding-name Eric Asimov has lamented the great shame that people think they need to know something about wine to enjoy it. He covered the topic in his print column, on radio, online and even wrote a book “How to Love Wine” in an attempt to expose the great ‘wine…

“Should have rented a tent!” A.K.A. the reason we have so much canvas around here.

The cynics among you may regard this post as a subliminal-sales-pitch given the ongoing, unrelenting rain we’re experiencing this week (well done cynics, you’re right!), but that’s not all. Massive HQ is currently abuzz with tent-chatter as we just imported and installed a 15,000 sq ft behemoth at The Ritz Carlton for IBM’s uber-event next week as well as preparing installation…

10 Ways to Master the Art of Napkin Folding

Napkin folding is an art that transcends mere practicality. It elevates table settings to a new level of sophistication. Each fold tells a story, originating from various cultural and historical influences. Choosing the right fold adds an extra layer of charm to the dining experience and allows hosts to express creativity and set the tone. This is especially true if…