
The Rent vs. Buy Debate

Massive Equipment have rather cheekily named the month of October, “National Rental Month”. Whilst this ‘month’ is not officially recognized here in the Cayman Islands we really don’t think its a bad idea. In general the rental industry is unknown by those outside the construction or special event worlds. That is not unexpected of course, and, in an effort to…

Simple tips to add a little fancy-pants to your table settings

Hello! Massive_Victoria here with some quick tips for an easy and cost efficient way to add colour to your event. We all know that putting on any kind of event can be costly, especially if you want to add a special little something to make it stand out. BUT, an easy way of doing this while keeping your costs down is by…

“Should have rented a tent!” A.K.A. the reason we have so much canvas around here.

The cynics among you may regard this post as a subliminal-sales-pitch given the ongoing, unrelenting rain we’re experiencing this week (well done cynics, you’re right!), but that’s not all. Massive HQ is currently abuzz with tent-chatter as we just imported and installed a 15,000 sq ft behemoth at The Ritz Carlton for IBM’s uber-event next week as well as preparing installation…

Longer extension cord means lower voltage. Seriously.

I know, it sounds like another version of the ‘did you know gullible was not in the dictionary?’ trick, but it’s true! Even though copper is a champion conductor, the longer the run of wire, the more resistance incurred – this produces heat which does damage to the cord AND the item plugged into it. Furthermore, if you are using something that…

Tips for keeping cool in the heat!

Sweet fiddlesticks it is warm out there at the moment (that is, of course, when it stops raining). I was facing the oft-encountered challenge of distinguishing between the muggy air and my own sweat this week when I began devising various strategies to cool myself down as quickly as possible. When the screaming became too much I put my clothes…